Audi MedCup, pronti a fare sul serio
Audi MedCupGP 42Level ClassTP52Vela 25 Agosto 2010 Zerogradinord 0
Audi MedCup – Cartagena – A Cartagena primo giorno di regate valide per la classifica per la TP52 Series. Previsto poco vento ballerino, che potrebbe regalar sorprese. Practice race ufficiale, invece, per la GP42 Series.
Sono tutti pronti, gli undici TP52, per la prima giornata del Trofeo Caja mediterraneo Regione di Murcia valida per la classifica. Con un occhio alle previsioni meteo, che parlano di poco vento ballerino. Condizioni che potrebbero dunque regalare qualche sorpresa fin dal primo giorno.
Tanta attesa per vedere all’opera Artemis, dopo la vittoria di tappa a Barcellona e la conquista della practice race di ieri. Il team di Paul Cayard, terzo nel circuito Audi MedCup 2010, è ora chiamato a confermare il buono stato di forma, difendendosi dagli attacchi di Emirates Team New Zealand e Quantum Racing, rispettivamente primo e secondo in classifica overall.
Curiosità anche per vedere come si comporteranno Team Origin 1851, quarto overall e Matador, quinto, con a bordo Francesco Bruni, Vasco Vascotto e Bruno Zirilli. Il team argentino è chiamato al riscatto dopo il settimo posto di Barcellona. Così come Audi A1 powered by All4One, addirittura ultimo in Catalogna.
Per l’Italia, si aspetta invece la reazione di Luna Rossa, che dovrà sperare nel buono stato di forma del suo tattico, Gabriele Benussi, per leggere al meglio i numerosi salti di vento che proporrà il campo di regata di Cartagena.
Il Comitato di Regata cercherà dunque oggi di dare il via a tre prove (prima partenza alle 13.30), mentre la GP42 Series darà vita alla propria practice race ufficiale (prima partenza alle 13.00). Sarà ancora una sfida tra soli spagnoli, con Madrid Caser Seguros di Paolo Cian avvantaggiato rispetto a Islas Canarias Puerto Calero e Iberdrola?
Per seguire tutte le regate, oltre al Virtual Eye Interattivo, saranno a disposizione le immagini dell’Audi MedCup TV, che trasmetterà live a partire dalle ore 13.00.
A bordo di Cristabella, infine, saranno a bordo come ospiti Vicky e Chris Edwards, una coppia inglese vincitrice dell’asta di solidarietà messa in piedi da giugno a Southampton per aiutare le donne malate di cancro.
[Audi MedCup Press Release] The Caja Mediterráneo Region of Murcia Trophy, the fourth and penultimate regatta of the 2010 Audi MedCup season, gets into action today with points racing for the TP52 Series and the official Practice Race for the GP42’s.
The forecast for today’s breeze looks interesting, with a light offshore easterly wind anticipated, around six to ten knots, veering to the north of east during the afternoon.
Three windward leeward races are programmed for the TP52 schedule, with the first start around 13.30 after the GP42 fleet take in their two practice starts.
Yesterday’s practice race for the TP52’s proved that this is a tricky race arena in light winds, but today’s offshore easterly and north easterly breeze will likely be even more difficult due to the high cliffs which the breeze will be bouncing down off on to the race arena. The winds are expected to reach up to 11-12 knots.
Emirates Team New Zealand head out on to the waters off Cartagena aware of the potential pitfalls of a light winds day here but with a measure of confidence knowing that they have an overall lead of 28.5 points on the Audi MedCup Circuit standings and that they are also the defending holders of the Caja Mediterráneo Region of Murcia Trophy
Paul Cayard and the crew of Artemis who won the last Audi MedCup Circuit regatta in Barcelona won yesterday’s Practice Race.
Among the VIP guests who will be competing during the first day of racing for the TP52’s will be English couple Chris and Vicky Edwards. They are having a day to remember as guests of the Audi MedCup Circuit and Cristabella.
Chris and Vicky were the top bidders for the prize of this day at the Caja Mediterráneo Region of Murcia Trophy regatta when it was auctioned at a glamorous charity ball in Southampton, England in June. The ball was set up by two inspiring couples in order to raise money for charities which support women with cancer and women and families who go through the trauma of stillbirth or the neonatal death of their baby. Cristabella’s boat captain Brendan Darrer is a good friend of one of the couples who set up the Make A Difference Ball, and was happy to offer this exciting prize along.
Vicky, who describes herself as a slightly nervous sailor, will race in the first race and Chris will sail on board in the second race.
“Yes, maybe I was ‘under the influence’ a little bit at the time and was pushed on to win the prize but it is well worth it because it really is something which you could not normally go out and buy, a unique experience and the causes are so worthwhile.” Vicky Edwards smiled just before their safety briefing and the dock out show in the VIP area this morning.
The GP42 Series Practice Race should start immediately after the TP52 first race of the day.
Audi MedCup TV goes live at 13.00 today, broadcasting all the real time, live action from the race area throughout the day.
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