Audi MedCup, Marazzi Sailing in allenamento a Valencia
Audi MedCupTP52Vela 6 Maggio 2009 Zerogradinord 1
[singlepic=2423,300,204,,left]Audi MedCup 2009 – Valencia – Apprendiamo dal nostro amico Pierre Orphanidis, direttore di Valencia Sailing, che tra i tanti TP52 impegnati a rifinire la preparazione in vista dell’esordio nell’Audi MedCup 200 nelle acque di Valencia – Audi TP52 Powered by Q8, Desafio Espanol e Pisco Sour – c’è anche un nuovo team svizzero.
Sebbene mon si sappia ancora nulla della composizione dell’equipaggio, il nome, Marazzi Sailing, lascia intendere che a guidarlo sia Flavio Marazzi, campione elvetico e già olimpionico della classe Star. A bordo, tra gli altri, si sono visti anche il campionissimo tedesco Jochen Schuemann ed Enrico De Maria, da sempre prodiere di Marazzi in ambito Star.
La barca è l’ex Artemis, il TP52 che, l’anno scorso, ha regatato sotto il comando di Torbjorn Tornqvist e John Kostecki. A poppa sventola il guidone del Gstaad Yacht Club.
[Source] By participating in the 2009 TP52 Audi MedCup, Flavio Marazzi ventures to tackle the biggest Swiss sailing project since Alinghi. He is supported by the most successful Swiss Olympic sailor of the past years, the German sailing legend Jochen Schümann. The fist regatta will start on 12 May 2009 already.
During the past few years, the TP52 Audi MedCup has been developing to becoming the meeting point of the world’s best sailing professionals and is considered the Champions League of sailing. In 2009, with the Marazzi Sailing team, a boat will be participating for the first time sailing under Swiss flag (Gstaad Yacht Club). Apart from helmsman and skipper Flavio Marazzi (31), two more Swiss are on board: Marazzi’s Starboat partner Enrico De Maria (31) and the experienced sailor Christian Blumi Scherrer (39).
The other team members are top sailors from 8 countries, led by the threefold Olympic winner and AC winner Jochen Schümann (54). A win-win situation with Flavio Marazzi’s talent and his urge to win teaming up with Jochen Schümann’s immense experience. The newly launched TP52 campaign and the partnership with the sailing legend Schümann also serves the most successful Swiss Starboat sailor as an optimal preparation platform on his way to the 2012 Olympic Games in London.
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Monotipia4165 | Oceano2720 | |
Breaking news2558 | Altura2447 | |
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America's Cup1559 | ORC-IRC1344 |