Audi MedCup, la practice race è di Bribon
Audi MedCupTP52Vela 14 Settembre 2009 Zerogradinord 0
Audi MedCup 2009 – Cartagena – Vento intorno ai 6 nodi, salito poi fino a 10-12 nel pomeriggio, e onda abbastanza formata oggi sul campo di regata davanti a Cartagena. Queste le condizioni trovate dai dieci TP52 alla partenza della Practice Race odierna, antipasto del Trofeo Caja Mediterráneo Regione di Murcia.
Protagonista della giornata è stato indubbiamente Bribón, capace di andare a vincere con ben un minuto e 33 secondi di vantaggio sul secondo classificato, Emirates Team New Zealand. Il team spagnolo ha dimostrato di essere ancora veloce nonostante l’età dello scafo (è il più vecchio del Circuito), e anche grazie all’abilità del timoniere francese Thierry Peponnet, ha dominato per tutta la regata. A bordo, era ospite il centrocampista del Real Madrid Ruben De La Red, campione Europeo con la Nazionale Spagnola nel 2008.
Seconda posizione dunque per Emirates Team New Zealand, davanti a Synergy e ad Artemis. Proprio sul team svedese erano puntati oggi molti occhi, vista la presenza a bordo della nuova coppia Vascotto-Cayard, con lo skipper triestino al debutto al timone della barca di Torbjorn Tornqvist.
Quinta posizione per Quantum Racing, davanti a Matador e a Audi TP52 Powered by Q8, autore di una buona rimonta. Alti e bassi invece per Bigamist, capace di recuperare fino al quarto posto dopo l’OCS iniziale (individual recall anche per gli inglesi di Cristabella), per poi scadere in ottava posizione. Curiosità: come ospite a bordo della barca portoghese si trovava Nana, uno splendido cane Labrador.
Dopo la Practice Race di oggi, domani la TP52 Series farà sul serio, con la prima regata valida per la classifica. Grande bagarre dietro al leader Emirates Team New Zealand, con ben tre imbarcazioni racchiuse in soli 5 punti (Matador, Quantum Racing e Artemis). Per la GP42 Series, invece, sarà il momento della Practice Race.
Questa sera al Villaggio Audi MedCup si esibirà la Murcian Spanish Ballet Company, per offrire uno spettacolo davvero unico agli appassionati e al pubblico di Cartagena.
Circuito Audi MedCup 2009
TP52 Series
Practice Race
1. Bribón (ESP)
2. Emirates Team New Zealand (NZL), +01:33
3. Synergy (RUS), +01:40
4. Artemis (SWE), +02:16
5. Quantum Racing (USA), +02:20
seguono 5 scafi
[Audi MedCup 2009 Press Release] Perhaps recalling positive memories of their success on this Cartagena race track last season José Cusi’s Bribón crew started smartly off the left, pin end of the start line in the modest 7-9 knot SWW’ly breeze, and so were able to lead around the windward turn by more than 30 seconds over Emirates Team New Zealand. They won by over one and a half minutes from Emirates Team New Zealand.
The Kiwi team, overall leaders on the Audi MedCup Circuit 2009, were also able to reap the benefit on the left side of the first beat, gaining an extra helping of wind pressure before being able to earn additional rewards when the breeze shifted slightly to the left on the top third of this opening leg.
As expected this Caja Mediterranéo Region of Murcia Trophy race area proved a challenging one in this weight and direction of wind. The high, steep scrubby hills to the right of the race track, and a high promontory to the high right of the area affect the breeze and those who erred right, looking for a starboard tack lift, upwind were actually punished at times with lighter airs.
“We remembered from last year that this is a tricky race course and that is what it proved today. There is not really any rhyme or reason to what is happening. Really there was never a dull moment out there. It was shifty and it was puffy and hard to be consistent, so we are very happy with today.” Said Emirates Team New Zealand’s skipper Dean Barker, “It is going to be one of these weeks, consistency in the end will be hard. Anything in the top three is a good result on this race course.”
The downwind legs were at least as hard to read. Synergy were fifth at the windward mark at the first turn, but stayed offshore, to the right downwind for longest on the run and were able to steal third at the first leeward gate.
The new brains trust at the back of Artemis (SWE), challengers for second overall in the Series, made a steady fourth place. With Vasco Vascotto steering, Paul Cayard on tactics and past 49er and 505 World Champion Chris Nicholson on board for this regatta, initially Artemis were caught out just after the start when they had to avoid the starboard tack Synergy at the last minute and ended up very slow, but they recovered quickly and served notice they will be contenders in these conditions.
Things looked promising for the Portuguese crew on Bigamist 7 after they made a sterling recovery from an early start. They were recalled for starting prematurely but rallied back to round the first turn in third place. But from there they slipped back to sixth on the first run, finishing eighth.
Sailing as guest on Bribon was former Real Madrid footballer Ruben de la Red, while the VIP guest on Bigamist was a local golden labrador Nana who is the star of a popular Spanish TV programme.
With three races scheduled tomorrow Emirates Team New Zealand start with a 52 points series lead.
Circuito Audi MedCup 2009
TP52 Series
Practice Race
1. Bribón (ESP)
2. Emirates Team New Zealand (NZL), +01:33
3. Synergy (RUS), +01:40
4. Artemis (SWE), +02:16
5. Quantum Racing (USA), +02:20
followed by 5 boats
Vela20881 | In evidenza6127 | |
Monotipia4165 | Oceano2723 | |
Breaking news2565 | Altura2447 | |
Derive2004 | English1734 | |
America's Cup1559 | ORC-IRC1344 |
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