Anche Goran Petersson al World Yacht Racing Forum
Sailing.orgVelaWY Racing Forum 24 Novembre 2008 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic=873,170,250,,left]World Yacht Racing Forum – Principato di Monaco – Ci sarà anche il presidente dell’ISAF Goran Petersson tra i protagonisti del World Yacht Racing Forum, convegno che tratterà di vela e business in programma al Grimaldi Forum del Principato di Monaco tra il 10 e l’11 dicembre. Petersson, recentemente incaricato di portare a termine un secondo mandato quadriennale, interverrà assieme a Paul Cayard, Tim Coventry e Paul Strzelecki nel corso del primo dibattito del meeting, dedicato allo sviluppo del movimento agonistico internazionale.
“La più grande sfida per il nostro sport è la partecipazione – ha spiegato il presidente dell’ISAF – La vela non è in competizione con tutti gli sport, ma anche con tante attività. Dobbiamo rendere il nostro sport accessibile, divertente, attraente, poco costoso. L’ISAF si sta impegnando con le realtà più importanti dell’ambiente affinché questo avvenga e il World Yacht Racing Forum offrirà un’eccellente arena per conoscere e condividere i punti di vista di alcuni dei più importanti attori del mondo della vela”.
[World Yacht Racing Forum Pres Release] Göran Petersson (SWE) confirmed today that he will join the World Yacht Racing Forum on December 10-11 at the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco. Petersson has been re-elected last week to serve a second term as President of the International Sailing Federation (ISAF). He will take part in the first discussion panel of the World Yacht Racing Forum, and share his views on the growth of yacht racing with Paul Cayard, Tim Coventry and Paul Strzelecki.
“The biggest challenge facing our sport is participation. Sailing is not only in competition with all other sports, but also with many other activities. We have to make sailing attractive, accessible, affordable and exciting. ISAF is committed to co-operation with all stakeholders of the sport to ensure we deliver our shared objectives. The World Yacht Racing Forum offers an excellent arena to share and learn from the views of some of the leading players in the sailing industry.”
Göran Petersson has been ISAF’s President since November 2004; he ran unopposed and was re-elected as ISAF President for a second term which will run up until November 2012. “The world has changed much over those four years and so has the sport of sailing. We have achieved a lot but we still have a lot more to achieve”, he said after his re-election.
The World Yacht Racing Forum will be a perfect opportunity to debate the current state of sailing, and allow sponsors, pro sailors, boat builders and events organisers to express their needs and desires. The event will take place on December 10-11, at the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco. Hosted by Informa plc events, one of the world’s biggest conference organisers, the Forum will be a global meeting place for the best-known sailing events, racing teams, race management and finest sailing venues, from all over the world. In addition, many of Europe’s highest sports sponsorship spenders will be in attendance to assess the great opportunities that our sport can deliver.
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