World Yacht Racing Forum, ci saranno anche Alinghi e BMW Oracle Racing
AlinghiAmerica's CupOracle Team USAVelaWY Racing Forum 10 Novembre 2009 Zerogradinord 0
World Yacht Racing Forum – Monaco – E’ di ieri la notizia che anche Alinghi e BMW Oracle Racing prenderanno parte alla seconda edizione del World Yacht Racing Forum, in programma a Monaco tra il 9 e il 10 dicembre. Ad intevenire per i due team attualmenti impegnati in una serrata battaglia legale, ma futuri protagonisti della 33ma America’s Cup, saranno rappresentati dallo skipper Brad Butterwort e dl CEO Russell Coutts.
I due si riuniranno a una serie di illustri relatori – Paul cayard, Stephane Kandler, Sotiris Buseas, Marcus Huthinson, Nicolà Bastianini e Magnus Holmberg – e daranno vita a quello che sarà l’ultimo dibattito del World Yacht Racing Forum 2009, intitolato: Quale fututo per i challenger dopo la 33ma America’s Cup.
Per il programma completo dell’evento clicca qui.
[World Yacht Racing Forum Press Release] The World Yacht Racing Forum, 9-10 December in Monaco, will see a unique and exceptional debate between America’s Cup Defender Alinghi, Challenger of Record BMW Oracle Racing and potential challengers and personalities hoping to compete in the 34th America’s Cup.
The America’s Cup session on Day 2 of the Forum will include a presentation by Russell Coutts, CEO and skipper of BMW Oracle Racing. Team Alinghi skipper Brad Butterworth will then explain his team’s point of view to the audience.
Both Russell Coutts and Brad Butterworth will then join Paul Cayard, Stéphane Kandler (All4One), Sotiris Buseas (Greek Challenge), Marcus Hutchinson (Team Origin), Nicolò Bastianini (Green Comm) and Magnus Holmberg (Victory Challenge) for a panel discussion entitled The America’s Cup – What is the future for the challengers after AC 33. The panel will be the final session of the 2009 Forum.
For the full conference program and information about the Forum, please visit
Vela20873 | In evidenza6119 | |
Monotipia4165 | Oceano2719 | |
Breaking news2557 | Altura2447 | |
Derive2003 | English1728 | |
America's Cup1559 | ORC-IRC1344 |
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