America’s Cup – Mount Pleasant – Nessuno sfidante statunitense alla Coppa America? Era con questa domanda che presentavamo l’intervista ad Alan Block (alias Mr. Clean), uno degli amministratori di Sailing Anarchy, virtual community statunitense che aveva lanciato una sfida alla 33ma America’s Cup. Ebbene, escluso dalla lista dei team ufficialmente iscritti presentata all’indomani della deadline del 15 dicembre, Sailing Anarchy potrebbe tornare in gioco.
Tramite la home page del sito, si apprende infatti che Lucien Masmejan, dirigente di AC Management, ha scritto al Sailing Anarchy Yacht Club chiedendo l’invio, entro il 15 gennaio, di tutta la documentazione mancante, utile a comprovare la buona fede della sfida e il verasmento della quota di iscrizione, pari a 50.000 Euro.
Evidentemente la sfida dello yacht club statunitense era tra quelle che la Société Nautique de Gèneve e Alinghi avevano tenuto in sospeso.
Per leggere la lettera clicca qui.
America’s Cup – Mount Pleasant – Following we report the comment published few hours ago over Sailing Anarchy website regarding the letter sent to Sailing Anarchy Yacht Club by AC Management’s Lucjen Masmejan.
[Source Sailing Anarchy] “More than three weeks has passed since we filed SAYC’s challenge for the 33rd America’s Cup with ACM, and tonight we finally received an answer to our Notice of Entry for the event.
ACM’s Lucien Masmejean writes that “serious questions have been raised regarding the bona fide and eligibility of your challenge.” Lucien then goes on to list 9 requirements that SAYC has to fulfill over the next 6 days in order to even be considered for the 33rd Cup – and that list includes some truly bizarre tasks.
Apparently an ordinary notarization isn’t good enough for ACM – we have to get a Hague Apostille seal on whatever documents we file in order to be considered – whatever that is. We also still need to come up with the 50 grand that some teams had waived, and ACM was conspicuously silent about our request for information regarding who paid that fee and who didn’t. Interestingly, Team China might be on our side about the fee – today, they proposed that, “no team be required to incur expenditure until there is clarification and confirmation on who is hosting the event, where it is to be held, and what boats we are required to build.”
We knew that Alinghi had no intention of letting us compete, and Paco, their Comms. guy, told us as much just a couple of days after we filed. Rather than just rejecting us, ACM chose to pretend that they weren’t rejecting us by giving us less than a week to put together a pile of cash and documents and get all the originals to the front door of the SNG in Lake Geneva.
Can we do it? Probably. Should we? I’m inclined to respond to ACM with just two words: “Eat me.” But this isn’t my challenge – it’s yours.”
To read the letter click here.
To listen Alan Block (aka Mr. Clean) interview click here.
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