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Aprirà i battenti sabato prossimo l'AC Park, la struttura interna al Port America's Cup di Valencia che durante le regate della prossima settimana sarà...

[singlepic id=4936 w=300 h=204 float=left]America’s Cup – Valencia – Aprirà i battenti sabato prossimo l’AC Park, la struttura interna al Port America’s Cup di Valencia che durante le regate della prossima settimana sarà punto di ritrovo degli appassionati che arriveranno nella città spagnola. Tra le 10 del mattino e le 18 i visitatori potranno godere di tutte le infrastrutture messe a disposizione dal Consorcio Valencia 2007.

Il centro delle attività connesse all’America’s Cup sarà un’altra volta il Veles et Ventes, l’avveniristica struttura disegnata dall’architetto statunitense David Chipperfield nota anche con il nome di Foredeck. Al piano terra aprirà i battenti il ristorante Mar del Bambù, mentre al primo piano saranno localizzati l’Info Point, l’Estrella Damm Club, tre bar e un negozio della catena El Cort Inglés dove si potranno acquistare i capi ufficiali dell’evento.

Nei pressi del Veles et Ventes i visitatori avranno diverse possibilità di consumare uno spuntino, seduti magari davanti al grande maxi schermo che trasmetterà l’immagine delle regate.

L’organizzazione ha previsto un fitto programma di eventi collaterali che terranno viva l’attenzione del pubblico sul Port America’s Cup anche nelle giornate in cui non sono previste regate.

[America’s Cup Press Release] As from Saturday 6th February the AC Park for the 33rd America’s Cup opens to the public in the Port America’s Cup in Valencia. Between the hours of 10.00 and 18.00 visitors will be able to enjoy all of the magnificent facilities and activities which are on offer during the second edition of this historic sporting trophy, the oldest in the world, to be hosted by the Spanish city.

Central to the activities is the landmark Veles e Ventes building. Many of the 33rd America’s Cup activities will take place within this signature building designed by English architect David Chipperfield.

On the main ground floor is the Mar del Bambú restaurant, on the first floor is the main information point, the Estrella Damm Club, a tapas bar, the team bars: Defender Bar and a Challenger Bar and El Corte Inglés shop selling all the official event merchandise. On the fourth floor is the Quique Dacosta Gastro-Bar. Access to all these areas is free.

Around the exterior of the Veles e Vents you have many options for eating and drinking: the Paella restaurant, the Arribar, Casa Guillermo, the Mist, the 39º27N, the Azul and the Brisa (all found on the map). There is a large chill out area with a giant screen to watch the action live from the race course, as well as a large kindergarden to keep the kids entertained.

The organization has planned a comprehensive programme including concerts, visits for school pupils, videos as well as the highlights of the racing and highlights of the America’s Cup racing. There are many options to enjoy the action and what is on offer at Port America’s Cup between 6th and 14th February. If racing extends longer then the village will stay open longer.

A normal racing day (as scheduled Monday 8th, Wednesday 10th, Friday 12th) is from 09.00hrs to 20.00hrs. During the other, non-racing days the Park is open between 10.00hrs and 18.00hrs.

Traffic Access
Traffic Access will be strictly restricted to accredited vehicles as from Thursday 4th Febraury. The main entrance to the Port America’s Cup from the Avenue del Puerto towards Veles et Ventes will be closed, including access to the Veles et Ventes building car park which will be opened only to accredited vehicles.

The official inauguration of the 33rd America’s Cup will take place on Sunday 7th February at 1300hrs

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