America’s Cup, la Société Nautique de Genève scrive al Golden Gate Yacht Club
AlinghiAmerica's CupOracle Team USAVela 7 Luglio 2009 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic id=3280 w=204 h=300 float=left]America’s Cup – Ginevra – Giunge oggi la risposta di Alinghi alla lettera inviata dal Golden Gate Yacht Club lo scorso 19 giugno. Oltre a puntualizzare su alcune affermazioni contenute nella missiva del circolo statunitense, Fred Meyer e Alec Tournier, vice Commodoro e Segretario Generale della Société Nautique de Genève, hanno mosso alcune obiezioni in merito a un’intervista rilasciata da Russell Coutts nel corso di un’intervista rilasciata a Seahorse.
Di seguito riportiamo alcuni stralci della missiva, tradotti dalla nostra redazione:
“…per essere chiari, l’ultima decisione del giudice Kornreich ha stabilito che la Société Nautique de Genève possono scegliere Valencia o ogni altra località per lo svolgimento della 33ma America’s Cup… Alinghi comunicherà la sua scelta a tempo debito”.
“Inoltre abbiamo preso atto di un’intervista rilasciata da Russell Coutts pubblicata sul numero di agosto di Seahorse. Alla domanda: ‘Vi sentite legati dalle dimensioni massime indicate nella vostra Notice of Challenge’ Coutts risponde ‘ Certamente non eccederemo le misure massime, come stabilito chiaramente dal Deed of Gift’. Si tratta ovviamente di un’errata interpretazione delle sentenze e del Deed of Gift. Il Deed, come ripetuto dal giudice Kornreich il 24 maggio 2009, richiede espressamente che il Golden Gate Yacht Club fornisca un Costum House Registry di un’imbarcazione che abbia misure identiche a quelle stabilite nella Notice of Challenge… Inoltre, come stabilito da giudice Kornreich dovete fornire il Custom House Registry il prima possibile…”
“…se ci sfiderete con uno yacht difforme nelle dimensioni da quelle indicate nella vostra sfida chiederemo la vostra immediata squalifica. Restiamo in attesa del vostro Custom House Registry…”.
“Al tempo stesso, Russell Coutts ha definito ‘surreale’ la sfida lanciata dal Circolo Vela Gargnano… Vi chiediamo cortesemente se è vostra intenzione accettare o meno altri challenge”.
Per leggere la lettera originale clicca qui.
America’s Cup – Géneve – It was published few hours ago on the Alinghi website a new letter sent yesterday by the defender to Marcus Young, Commodore of Golden Gate Yacht Club.
“Mr. Marcus Young
The Golden Gate Yacht Club Commodore
We write to correct your erroneous letter of June 19, 2009 and to address news reports of a recent interview with Russell Coutts.
In the June 19 letter, you curiously claimed that naming a Northern Hemisphere venue other than Valencia without your “express agreement” would “flaunt the Deed of Gift and/or the Court’s Judgment and Orders.” This statement is baseless.
To be perfectly clear: the last court orders of Justices Kornreich and Cahn stated that SNG is entitled to select Valencia “or any other location” for the next Cup, without qualification or limitation. “Any other location”, of course, includes any Northern or Southern Hemisphere venue. The orders also make clear that SNG has until 6 months prior to the race of the next Cup to announce a location. SNG will specify Valencia or any other venue in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere in due course.
We also take issue with a report of an interview of Russell Coutts that appears in the August, 2009 issue of Seahorse Magazine. When asked, “[D]o you feel bound by the 90ft x 90ft dimension of the challenge document?” Mr. Coutts stated, “We won’t exceed the dimensions as stipulated. The Deed is clear that you are not allowed to exceed the dimensions.”
This is, of course, a blatant misreading of the requirements of the orders and the Deed of Gift. The Deed, as Justice Kornreich reiterated at the May 14, 2009 hearing, expressly requires GGYC to challenge in, and provide a Custom House Registry for, a challenge vessel that conforms exactly to the measurements contained in the boat certificate that accompanied GGYC’s notice of challenge. As Justice Kornreich said at the hearing, and as we noted in our letter of May 26: “I am stating right now that … the Deed does require that the vessel conform to the challenge dimensions. If the [Custom House Registry] does not conform to the challenge dimensions, it is this Court’s belief, and my direction, that Golden Gate will be disqualified, and I am directing Golden Gate, in good faith, to abide by the Deed, to make application for the CHR as soon as possible and providing it as soon as possible”.
That’s the order of the Court. Should you challenge in a vessel that does not conform to the challenge dimensions, we will seek your GGYC’s immediate disqualification. We look forward to the immediate receipt of the Custom House Registry.
Your letter and Mr. Coutts’ interview make clear that your favored means to compete for the Cup is through litigation. We encourage you to stop these tactics and agree to meet us on the water in a boat that conforms exactly to those dimensions listed in the Challenge.
In the same interview Mr. Coutts said that the challenge received by SNG from Circolo Vela di Gargnano (CVG) was “unrealistic”. As far as we know you have not responded to the latest letter of CVG dated June 12, 2009. Please advise as soon as possible if GGYC is going to give the opportunity to other challengers to compete in the 33rd America’s Cup or will continue to exclude challengers from competition.
Yours sincerely.
Fred Meyer
Alec Tournier”
To read the original letter click here.
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