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Nel corso di una conferenza telefonica, il giudice Shirley Kornreich, togato della Corte Suprema dello Stato di New York, ha informato la Société Nautique...

[singlepic id=3600 w=300 h=204 float=left]America’s Cup – New York – Nel corso di una conferenza telefonica, il giudice Shirley Kornreich, togato della Corte Suprema dello Stato di New York, ha informato la Société Nautique de Genève e il Golden Gate Yacht Club che non potrà ascoltare le parti, quindi non potrà assumere alcuna  in merito alle contestazioni sorte sul “constructed in conuntry’ prima della disputa del match valido per la 33ma America’s Cup, in programma per l’8 febbraio.

Ciò significa che il giudice statunitense ha dato il via libera alla disputa del match che si disputerà al meglio delle tre regate.

“E’ una news eccellente. Siamo davvero contenti che il tentativo di BMW Oracle Racing di squalificare Alinghi prima del confronto in acqua sia stato respinto. Guardiamo fiduciosi verso il match del prossimo 8 febbraio: un confronto che non potranno più evitare in alcun modo” ha commentato Ernesto Bertarelli al rientro dall’allenamento odierno.

Intanto anche la Coppa America, detenuta dalla Société Nautique de Genève dal 2003, è arrivata alla base di Alinghi. A dare il benvenuto al trofeo sono stati lo stesso Bertarelli, il dindaco di Valencia Rita Barbera, il delegato del governo spagnolo Ricardo Peralta e il vice presidente della regione, Vincent Rambla.

“Vedere la Coppa ancora una volta è stato emozionante – ha confessato la Barberà – E’ tornata a casa! Si tratterà di un edizione unica. Il buon senso ha prevalso. La Coppa America si deciderà sull’acqua. L’8 febbraio è dietro l’angolo e si preannuncia come un grande evento”.

[Alinghi Press Release] Justice Kornreich of the New York Supreme Court informed the America’s Cup defending yacht club, Société Nautique de Genève, and the challenging Golden Gate Yacht Club today via telephone conference that she will not hear the American challenger’s complaint regarding the ‘constructed in country’ requirement of the Deed of Gift before the 33rd America’s Cup Match which is scheduled to begin on 8 February.

This means the 33rd America’s Cup is free to proceed as ordered by previous New York rulings: in Valencia on the 8, 10 and 12 February.

“This is excellent news. We are delighted that BMW Oracle’s attempts to disqualify Alinghi and to win the America’s Cup in court have been denied. We look forward to meeting them on the start line here in Valencia on 8 February to race for the Cup; something they can no longer try to avoid,” said Ernesto Bertarelli – two-time America’s Cup winner – on hearing the news when returning ashore after today’s race training session.

Other news:
The America’s Cup trophy arrives at the Alinghi base in Valencia. Sport’s oldest active trophy arrives at the Alinghi base, the America’s Cup Defender’s home, in Valencia

The sterling silver ewer once known as the £100 Cup and named the America’s Cup after America, the yacht of the same country that fought off the British fleet around the Isle of Wight in 1851, is the most sought after trophy in the sport of sailing.

It has resided at the Société Nautique de Genève in Switzerland since 2003 when the representing team, Alinghi – a first time challenger – wrestled it from the two-time winner, Team New Zealand, and returned it to Europe for the first time since the original race.

Alinghi successfully defended the America’s Cup for Société Nautique de Genève in 2007 securing the trophy’s Swiss residency until today when the Cup arrived at the Defender’s base in Port America’s Cup, Valencia, where it will be exhibited to the public in the house of the America’s Cup at the Alinghi base.

On site to welcome the trophy’s arrival were Ernesto Bertarelli, Alinghi team president, who had just completed a day’s race training on Alinghi 5; Rita Barberá, the Mayoress of Valencia; Ricardo Peralta, Spanish government delegate and Vicente Rambla, vice president Valencia regional government.

“It is fantastic to see the Cup back in Valencia and in its home at the Alinghi base; I very much hope that visitors will enjoy the America’s Cup during its stay,” said Ernesto Bertarelli, team president.

Rita Barberá invited the public to come and see the America’s Cup at the Alinghi base and said: “I feel very touched to see the Auld Mug again. It’s back home! This is going to be a unique edition of the Cup. Common sense has prevailed. This America’s Cup has to be decided on the water. The 8 February is round the corner and there is going to be an event!”

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