America’s Cup, Alinghi chiede a BMW Oracle Racing di ritirare le cause pendenti
AlinghiAmerica's CupOracle Team USAVela 6 Marzo 2010 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic id=5234 w=204 h=300 float=left]America’s Cup – Ginevra – Il vice commodoro della Société Nautique de Genève, Fred Meyer, ha scritto alla consulente legale di BMW Oracle Racing, Melinda Erkelens, per chiedere agli statunitensi di voler ritirare ogni causa legale ancora depositata presso la Corte Suprema dello Stato di New York. La lettera segue di qualche settimana quella spedita in data 18 febbraio, contenente più o meno la stessa richiesta.
“…siamo a chiedervi nuovamente di voler ritirare le cause legali pendenti contro di noi. Una richiesta già avanzata lo scorso febbraio mediante lettera, all’interno della quale ci rendevamo dispobili a ritirare ogni documento… A oggi, il Golden Gate Yacht Club non ha ancora deciso di chiudere la causa che si protare da almeno due anni…”
Per leggere la lettera clicca qui.
[Alinghi Press Release] Dear Melinda, I write to request, once again, that Golden Gate Yacht Club agree to end all litigation concerning the 33rd America’s Cup and all prior Cups. We previously made that request to you by letter dated February 18, 2010, in which we asked Golden Gate Yacht Club to covenant “that all litigation shall now end,” and affirmed our intention to “cease litigation against Golden Gate Yacht Club and to assign, transfer and deliver the Cup, and all related rights, to Golden Gate Yacht Club as soon as possible”.
Similarly, by letter dated March 3, 2010, our New York counsel reached out to yours to follow up on their many attempts made on behalf of Société Nautique de Genève: “To determine whether the parties could resolve all litigation”.
To date, Golden Gate Yacht Club has not agreed to end the litigation that has now been pending for over two years. To facilitate bringing our disputes to an end and the transfer of the Cup, I reiterate that Société Nuutque dei gazebo stands ready to withdraw its challenges to the Deedcompliance of Golden Gate Yacht Clubs boat, and to exchange a mutual release regarding all claims arising out of the 33rd America’s Cup and all prior Cups. I hope, for the good of the sport, that Golden Gate Yacht Club is prepared to do the same. I look forward to learning your position as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Fred Meyer
Vice Commodore
Société Nautique de Genève
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