America’s Cup, al lavoro sulle regole della classe AC72
America's CupVela 30 Settembre 2010 Zerogradinord 0
America’s Cup – Valencia – Iain Murray, Race Director della 34ma America’s Cup, ha reso noto che sulla base dei feedback ricevuti dagli aspiranti challenger, l’America’s Cup Race Management ha deciso di pubblicare una seconda bozza del Regolamento di Classe e di ritardare la diffusione del documento definitivo sino al 15 ottobre 2010.
La stesura finale verrà quindi resa nota nove giorni dopo la presentazione della seconda bozza che, secondo quando comunicato oggi, verrà diffusa attorno al 6 ottobre.
Per poter modificare la data di pubblicazione dell’atteso documento, defender e Challenger of Record hanno sottoscritto una deroga al Protocollo della 34ma America’s Cup.
I documenti ufficiali dell’evento sono consultabili su
[America’s Cup Race Management Press Release] Following feedback from several prospective Challengers, America’s Cup Race Management has asked the rule drafting group to issue a second draft of the AC72 Rule and delay the publication of the definitive version until the 15th October 2010. Since the publication of the first draft on 16 September 2010, feedback has been received from teams and the draft re-formatted as a Class Rule document.
A new draft will be issued on or before 6 October 2010.This will allow further opportunity for feedback.
The Defender and Challenger of Record have agreed an amendment to the Protocol for the 34th America’s Cup to permit this short delay in publishing the AC72 Class Rule, which had been due on 30 September 2010.
Competitor information can be found under America’s Cup Race Management on
The Protocol amendment will be posted as an Official Document on
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Monotipia4165 | Oceano2719 | |
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