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Con sette barche all'ormeggio, una ancora in regata e tante ritirate a causa della totale assenza di vento, il RORC e l'Antigua Yacht Club...

RORC Caribbean 600 – Antigua – Con sette barche all’ormeggio, una ancora in regata e tante ritirate a causa della totale assenza di vento, il RORC e l’Antigua Yacht Club hanno potuto stilare le classifiche finali della seconda edizione del RORC Caribbean 600 e celebrare i vincitori nel corso di una festa in tipico stile caraibico. A conquistare il successo assoluto in questa che è già considerata una classica del calendario internazionale sono stati gli uomini di Beau Geste, il Farr 80 di Karl Kwok e dello skipper Gavin Brady. Più che una vittoria, una vera e propria egemonia, dato che lo scafo di Hong Kong ha mandato in archivo anche l’affermazione in IRC Super Zero (dove a finire terzo è stato DSK Pioneer Investments) e i line honours.

“Non avevamo mai fatto piazza pulita prima di oggi e devo dire che è una bella sensazione – ha spiegato Karl Kwok dopo la premiazione – Nonostante la bonaccia siamo riusciti sempre a restare in movimento e quando la brezza è arrivata il mare calmo ci ha regalato momenti di grande vela. Siamo davvero soddisfatti, perchè il team di Beau Geste si è dimostrato fortissimo: sono amico di Gavin Brady da diversi anni e con lui abbiamo deciso chi portare in barca. L’amicizia è molto importante per me: abbiamo scelto i velisti giusti, ma anche le persone migliori. Oltre a ringraziare Gavin, voglio fare i complimenti ai due capi turno, Jonno Swain e David Endean, che hanno fatto un lavoro davvero prezioso”.

Nel raggruppamento CSA, invece, a cavarsi la gioia del successo è stato il Southern Cross 52 Vela Veloce di Richard Oland, menre in IRC Super Zero Canting Keel si è imposto il Cookson 50 Privateer di Ron O’Hanley, cui è riuscita l’impresa di battere il vincitore dello scorso anno, Lee Overlay Partners.

Per leggere le classifiche clicca qui.

[flashvideo filename=video/maxi/Kwok_RORC2010.flv /]
Intervista a Karl Kwok (english). Video copyright


[RORC Caribbean 600 Press Relese]
Although several boat are still racing, Richard Bamford’s Swan 38 Dolfijn retired this morning which means that at tonight’s prize giving Karl Kwok’s Farr 80, Beau Geste, will be awarded the RORC Caribbean 600 trophy for best yacht overall under IRC, the line honours trophy for monohulls and Class trophy for IRC Super Zero.

“I have never cleaned up as well before so it feels really good – smiled Karl Kwok upon hearing the news – There may have been a lack of wind but we kept on going all the time and when the wind was with us we had flat water and some fantastic sailing. Beau Geste has a great spirit, I have been friends with Gavin Brady for two decades and we sit down and decide who we will have on board. Friendship is very important to me, we choose the best sailors but also the right people. I have to say a big thank you to Gavin Brady and the two watch captains, Jonno Swain and David Endean but all of the crew did a great job. Beau Geste races all over the world and I would like to invite all of the competitors we come across to do this race. The sailing is as good as can be and I have enjoyed it immensely”.

Winner overall of the CSA division and second place overall under IRC is Richard Oland’s Southern Cross 52, Vela Veloce.

“We had a close battle with Privateer who beat us by less than a minute in our last encounter, so beating them this time was a bit of payback – admitted Richard Oland, skipper of Vela VelocePrivateer are good sports and I am sure we will share a beer with them tonight. Although I have done a lot of cruising here, this is the first time I have raced in the Caribbean since the 60s. The boat comes from New Brunswick, Canada and it amazes me why people don’t come down here and enjoy these water”.

Winner of IRC Super Zero Canting keel, third overall under IRC and second under CSA was Ron O’Hanley’s Cookson 50, Privateer.

“We have never raced against another Cookson 50 which we were really looking forward to but Privateer is a newer boat with some differences and we weren’t really racing close to Lee Overlay Partners. We had a really good fight with Vela Veloce. This is the first time we have competed in a RORC race and I would like to give a big thank you to the organisers; this has been a very well run event” commented Vela Veloce boat captain Scott Innes-Jones.

Third overall under CSA and fourth overall under IRC was Adrian Lee’s Cookson 50, Lee Overlay Partners. Dockside Adrian Lee was still full of admiration for the race: “Very different to last year but we have enjoyed it just the same, this was as much a challenge but for different reasons, keeping the boat going and concentrating the whole time were so important. The last few miles were agonizingly slow but we kept cool under pressure and to be honest, we were delighted just to finish. Congratulations to Beau Geste on an excellent performance”.

Only one boat, AAG Big One has finished since Lee Overlay Partners came in last night. The breeze virtually shut down, right across the racecourse, causing many yachts to retire. ‘H’ one of the Blesma crew describes the scene on board as Spirit of Juno made the decision to stop racing. “The skipper went to every guy and asked him for his view, everybody had their say but when he turned the engine on, it was a sickening feeling. We just ran out of time and needed to get back for flights home. We have developed as a team and really got to grips with the physical side of things but we need to work more on the tactical side, we will be back for sure. The RORC Caribbean 600 is unfinished business”.

Antigua is usually blessed with easterly Trade Winds and the unusual weather is extremely rare. However, the competitors in the RORC Caribbean 600 did have the sensation of surfing through the Caribbean sea in sublime conditions, at least some of the time.

To read the standings click here.

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