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Più di cento barche attendono a Palma di Maiorca l'inizio del PalmaVela 2011. Classica d'inizio stagione, la regata è organizzata dal locale Reale Club...

Palma di Maiorca – Più di cento barche attendono a Palma di Maiorca l’inizio del PalmaVela 2011. Classica d’inizio stagione, la regata è organizzata dal locale Reale Club Nautico, lo stesso che si occupa annualmente dell’organizzazione della Coppa del Re, e manderà in scena la prima prova alle 12.00 di domani.

Le flotte che rappresentano i principali punti di interesse della regata sono quelle riservate ai Maxi e ai TP52.

Tra i Maxi saranno presenti i vari Esense, Magic Carpet e i 100 piedi KenoRoad Harbour e KNRC. Tra gli osservati speciali il sempre competitivo Alegre e @robas.

Tra i TP52, invece, l’attesa è per vedere in azione i vari Audi Azzurra Sailing Team con la coppia Bruni-Vascotto, Quantum Racing del timoniere Ed Baird e Ran di Niklas Zennstrom.

Contemporaneamente, sugli altri campi di regata, si daranno battaglia le classi riservate agli scafi ORC International e IRC.

Per visitare il sito dell’evento clicca qui.

[PalmaVela Press Release] More than a hundred boats among which some of the most magnificent vessels of the world will compete from tomorrow Thursday the 20th until Sunday the 24th in the Mapfre PalmaVela regatta. Twelve classes will join competition gradually during the four following racing days. The Maxis are expected to run six races whereas the TP52’s schedule foresees eight of them. A total of 120 boats, 1000 sailors, 15 divisions and 15 countries will compete distributed in four racing areas.

Thursday: Maxis and TP52’s
The fleet’s largest vessels, the spectacular Maxis and the TP52’s, will be the first to go on stage tomorrow Thursday in Palma. More than fifteen boats distributed in the Maxi Wally, Mini Maxi, Maxi Regatta and Maxi Swan make up the Maxi class. Italian Esense is one of the most spectacular Maxi Wallies thanks to its 143 feet length which makes her one of the favorites in real time, whereas British Magic Carpet will be the defending champion in compensated time. Magnificent 107 footer KenoRoad Harbour and 100 footer KNRC are also among the largest vessels of the fleet. 2010 Mini Maxi champion Alegre and Maxi Swan champion @robas will race in the same division.

Some of the strongest TP52 campaigns have also chosen the Mapfre PalmaVela regatta as their seasonal debut, before going on with the Audi MedCup Circuit, the Copa del Rey Audi Mapfre and the World Championships in Porto Cervo, Sardinia. The class will feature several new builds as YCCS flagged Audi Azzurra Sailing Team, American Quantum Racing and Swedish Ran. Spanish Bribón and British Gladiator will also start their season in Palma.

Friday: ORC, IRC, RI, One Design and Vintage and Classic
On Friday the ORC, IRC, RI, One Design and Vintage and Classic will join competition. Aifos of the Spanish Army and Fernando León and Kiko Sánchez Luna’s CAM stand out as clear favorites in IRC, together with USA flagged TP52 Pace. The ORC class counts with a numerous fleet of 31 boats among which Palma flagged Vell Marí also considered one of the favorites to step onto the first place of the podium. Omi II, Pinyol Vermell, Symfony or Mascarat IV will be her main competitors. Petroucha III, Simbad Seis or Modarkes start as clear leaders in RI, whereas the Vintage and Classic boats feature jewels such as Entermise, Marigan or Merengue.

With 22 registered boats and the presence of two olympic medalists and a world champion, the One design class J-80 proofs its high competitive level. Barcelona 92 gold medallist Catalonian Jose María Van der Ploeg jumps in as helmsman onboard Great Sailing, whereas Atlanta 96 bronze winner Portuguese Hugo Rocha will do so onboard Turismo do Algarve. J-80 world champion Ignacio Camino will be another of the toughest contenders for the title onboard Nextel Engineering, whereas Mapfre PalmaVela defending champion Carlos Martínez will try to clinch this year’s trophy too. Carlos Espinosa’s Iurisnauta, Estanislao Carpio’s Alcola, Diego Colón’s Fierabrás, Javier Sanz’s Pro-Rigging or Miguel Pujadas’ Eden Hotels, make up the strong majorcan J-80 fleet.

The Flying Fifteen and Dragón classes will also attend the 2011 edition of the Mapfre PalmaVela, and Disabled Sailing will join competition on Saturday.

Races are due to start daily at 12.00 hours.

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