Lo YCCS alla Around the Island Race
AlturaMonotipiaVela 21 Novembre 2008 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic=842,250,170,,left] Loro Piana Around the Island Race – Porto Cervo – Lo Yacht Club Costa Smeralda ha reso noto che prenderà parte per la prima volta alla Loro Piana Around the Island Race, evento organizzato dal Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, in programma per il 23 novembre. Loro Piana, main sponsor dell’evento che radunerà circa duecento scafi impegnandoli lungo il periplo dell’isola di Hong Kong (26 mn), ha invitato sia il sodalizio sardo che lo Yacht Club Italiano.
A guidare l’equipaggio dello Yacht Club Costa Smeralda sarà Alberto Signorini, fresco campione del mondo X-35. Con lui, impegnato a bordo di un Magic 25 che regaterà in classe Sportsboat, ci sarà Tommaso Chieffi.
Per visitare il sito dell’evento clicca qui.
Per visitare il sito dello Yacht Club Costa Smeralda clicca qui.
[YCCS Press Release] The Yacht Club Costa Smeralda has announced that it will participate for the first time in the Loro Piana Around the Island Race organized by the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club (RHKYC) and scheduled for Sunday 23rd November. Loro Piana, the renowned Italian luxury clothing company, has invited both the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda and the Yacht Club Italiano to participate in this 25th edition of the regatta, which hosts approximately 200 boats in a 26 nautical mile circumnavigation of the island of Hong Kong. The course starts near Kellett Island, where the RHKYC is located, and leaves Hong Kong to starboard, with a series of “gates” to be negotiated along the south coast before returning back to Kellett Island for the finish.
The YCCS team will be headed by YCCS member and current X-35 World Champion Alberto Signorini and will include veteran America’s Cup sailor Tommaso Chieffi. The team will sail aboard a Magic 25 one-design in the Sportsboat division. Racing is scheduled to start at 08.30 on Sunday and the official prize giving ceremony will be held at the RHKYC Kellet Island Compass Room at 19.00 on Monday 24th November.
As part of the Italian yacht clubs’ visit to RHKYC, a reception will be held at the Kellet Island Clubhouse during which representatives from each club will exchange burgees with Mr. Warwick Downes, Commodore of the RHKYC.
“The Yacht Club Costa Smeralda is looking forward to participating in this race, which combines high-level competition with a great day’s entertainment on the water.” Commented YCCS Sports Director Edoardo Recchi, noting that outrigger canoes and ocean rowing boats will join Cruisers, Class keelboats, Dinghies and Multihulls in Victoria Harbour at the start.
“We are also pleased to have the opportunity, thanks to our friends at Loro Piana, to establish a bond with the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, one of the oldest and most respected associations in the Asia Pacific Region.”
The Yacht Club Costa Smeralda was founded on May 12th 1967 by its current President, His Highness the Aga Khan, and a small group of Founder Members, as a non-profit sporting association for those passionate about the sea and marine sports. The YCCS clubhouse, overlooking Porto Cervo Marina, is considered one of the most prestigious and beautifully functional structures of its kind anywhere in the world and offers members and regatta participants 24 guest suites, a modern Spa and Wellness Centre and a Bar and Restaurant on the panoramic Poolside Terrace. The adjoining Piazza Azzurra, the nerve centre of the Race Village during sporting events, hosts a series of cultural initiatives throughout the rest of the year.
To visit the event’s website click here.
To visit Yacht Club Costa Smeralda’s website click here.
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