Volvo Ocean Race, protesta di stazza contro Ericsson 4
Ericsson RacingOceanoVelaVolvo Ocean Race 5 Gennaio 2009 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic=1269,250,170,,left]Volvo Ocean Race – Singapore – Nuovi problemi per l’Ericsson Racing Team. Dopo le proteste presentate dal Comitato di Regata e da Telefonica Blue contro Ericsson 3, il team svedese deve fare i conti con una nuova protesta, depositata dal Comitato di Stazza contro Ericsson 4, lader della classifica sin dalla prima tappa.
Leggendo il documento firmato da James Dodd e Nick Nicholson si scopre che, il 3 gennaio scorso, mentre camminava lungo le banchine di Singapore, il Capo Stazzatore della Volvo Ocean Race ha notato una sezione di prua appoggiata dietro ai container del consorzio scandinavo. Dopo una breve indagine, lo stazzatore scopriva che si trattava della prua montata su Ericsson 4 al momento della stazza, effettuata l’11 luglio 2008 presso il cantiere di Kista. In seguito, a causa di danni irreparabili verificatisi durante le operazioni di assemblaggio svolte ad Alicante, lo shore team ha provveduto a sostituire la parte danneggiata con una nuova.
La sostituzione, effettuata senza il consenso degli stazzatori, rende di fatto nulla la stazza della barca perchè, come si legge al punto 1.3 della protesta, altera una porzione di scafo che è stata sottoposta ad approfondite misurazioni.
Per leggere la protesta clicca qui.
Ranking after three legs
1 – Ericsson 4 SWE (Torben Grael/BRA) pt. 35
2 – Telefónica Blue ESP (Bouwe Bekking/NED) pt. 30.5
3 – Puma Racing Team USA (Ken Read/USA) pt. 27.5
4 – Ericsson 3 SWE (Anders Lewander/SWE) pt. 23.5
5 – Green Dragon IRL/CHN (Ian Walker/GBR) pt. 20.5
6 – Telefónica Black ESP (Fernando Echávarri/ESP) pt. 19.5
7 – Team Russia RUS (Andreas Hanakamp/AUT) pt. 10.5
8 – Team Delta Lloyd IRL (Roberto Bermudez/ESP) pt. 9.0
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[Volvo Ocean Race Press Release] New problem for the Ericsson Racing Team. The Rule Management Group filed a protest against Ericsson 4, leader of the standing after three leg, for some problem regarding a portion of the bow that was replaced without the consensus of the measurer.
Protest by the Rule Management Group against Ericsson 4
To: The Volvo Ocean Race Jury
Subject: Alterations to Ericsson 4 after measurement
Report No: VOR01-RMG
Revision: 0
Prepared By: James Dadd
Date: 4th January 2009
Reviewed By: Nick Nicholson
Date: 4th January 2009
1. Submission
1.1. On the 3rd January 2009 the Chief Measurer noted a section of the bow of a boat in Ericsson Racing Team (ERT) colours behind the ERT containers. On enquiry, members of ERT informed the Chief Measurer that this section of hull was the bow section of Ericsson 4 which had been installed on the boat when it was presented for original hull measurement at the builders in Sweden on 11 June 2008. Following damage to this portion of the hull prior to the Assembly Period in Alicante, this entire section was removed and replaced with a new bow section.
1.2. The Rule Management Group were not informed that changes had been made to the hull that could affect the Measurement Ashore data that was derived from the original hull measurement.
1.3. As a result of removal of the original bow section and its replacement with a new component, original hull measurements have been invalidated. Specifically, the portion of the hull removed and replaced contained the measurement references LLF (Limit of Length Forward, see V70 Rule 3.2.1) and RPF (Reference Point Forward, see V70 Rule 3.2.3(a)). The RPF screw of the original bow section was removed and installed in the new bow section by ERT, without re-measurement by the RMG. Likewise, the new bow section was faired into the existing hull without re-measurement of LLF and LOA by a Measurer.
1.4. The result of this change is that the RMG do not know the actual measurements relating to these references. The measurements directly affected by these references include: LOA (Length Overall), MP (Mast Position), BSL (Bowsprit Length) and Measurement Afloat (see rule 4), which directly affects FFM (Forward Freeboard), MFM (Mid Freeboard), D (Draft) and MD (Mast Datum).
1.5. As stated in V70 Rule 3.1, these measurements must be carried out by a Measurer prior to issuance of a valid Volvo Open 70 Certificate. As such Ericsson 4 (Volvo Open 70 Hull Number 14) has not to this date.
To read the protast click here.
Ranking after three legs
1 – Ericsson 4 SWE (Torben Grael/BRA) pt. 35
2 – Telefónica Blue ESP (Bouwe Bekking/NED) pt. 30.5
3 – Puma Racing Team USA (Ken Read/USA) pt. 27.5
4 – Ericsson 3 SWE (Anders Lewander/SWE) pt. 23.5
5 – Green Dragon IRL/CHN (Ian Walker/GBR) pt. 20.5
6 – Telefónica Black ESP (Fernando Echávarri/ESP) pt. 19.5
7 – Team Russia RUS (Andreas Hanakamp/AUT) pt. 10.5
8 – Team Delta Lloyd IRL (Roberto Bermudez/ESP) pt. 9.0
To follow the race on Race Tracker click here.
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