Volvo Ocean Race, big bang Telefonica
Equipo TelefonicaIncidentiOceanoVelaVolvo Ocean Race 1 Giugno 2009 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic=2626,300,204,,left]Volvo Ocean Race – Oceano Atlantico – Una nottata che non verrà dimenticata presto quella vissuta ieri dallo shore team dell’Equipo Telefonica. Verso le 23.00, infatti, una forte esplosione, e il seguente incendio, ha letteralmente distrutto uno dei container del team, mandando in fumo attrezzatura per il valore di 60-70.000 Euro.
Le cause dell’incendio, che fortunatamente ha coinvolto solo bene materiali, non sono ancora chiare, ma tra l’attrezzatura andata distrutta c’erano i radar delle due barche, parte dell’elettronica di bordo e la cucina da campo dello shore team.
“Non sappiamo da cosa sia stato generato, ma il fuoco, seppur spento in fretta, ha fatto parecchi danni – ha spiegato Campbell Field, responsabile del team di terra del team spagnolo – Abbiamo perso parecchio materiale che possiamo facilmente rimpiazzare. Più che altro sono andati persi parecchio dati archiviati su dei computer. Parliamo pur sempre di una cifra davvero significativa”.
“Fortunatamente non c’era nesuno in zona, anche perchè a giudicare dalla deformazione del contanire e dal fatto che tutte le sei porte si sono spalancate da sole deve essere stato davvero un bel botto”.
[Volvo Ocean Race Press Release] An explosion at the Telefonica shore base last night has left the team with a substantial headache ahead of Saturday’s leg eight start.
Approximately “60,000 to 70,000 euros” worth of damage was caused by the blast in one of their containers at 2300 local time, according to shore manager Campbell Field.
It is not yet known what caused the fire, but among the destroyed items were the two yachts’ radars, as well as some electronic equipment and the base’s kitchen.
“There was an explosion inside the container but we do not know what caused it,” Field said. “The fire trucks were here within minutes and put it out, but it has caused quite a lot of damage.”
“You could fit what was in that container into a small rubbish bin right now. Unfortunately there is a bunch of stuff which will be needed for the next leg, but we can source all of that no problem. We lost both of our radars, our electronic spares, our tool kits, a bunch of hard disks and a lot of data and spare computers.
“The whole container and everything in it, we are probably talking about 60,000 or 70,000 euros worth. It is significant.”
Field confirmed no one was present at the time of the explosion and now expects the lost equipment to be replaced by the middle of this week.
He added: “Thankfully, no one was down here at the time and no one got injured. We can get up and running pretty soon; we should be able to replace all of the items by Wednesday or Thursday.
“Judging by the bows in the side of the container and the fact it blew all six doors wide open I’d say it was a pretty big bang.”
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