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Si è conclusa con la decisione di penalizzare Yann Eliés di due ore la discussione della protesta avanzata dal Comitato di Regata contro lo...

Solitaire du Figaro – Tallinn – Si è conclusa con la decisione di penalizzare Yann Eliés di due ore la discussione della protesta avanzata dal Comitato di Regata contro lo skipper di Generali Europe Assistance, “accusato” di aver rotto l’impiombatura del motore per uscire da una secca nella quale era finito nel corso della prima tappa, durante il passaggio davanti alle spiagge di Primel.

Eliés, penalizzato di trenta minuti per aver rotto la piomba del motore e di un ora e mezza per aver infranto le regole relative la propulsione a motore, è precipitato in classifica generale, passando dal secondo al diciannovesimo posto. Ciò che più conta è che lo skipper di Genarli Europe Assistance è ora staccato da Armel Le Cléac’h, vincitore di entrambe le tappe disputate sino ad ora, di oltre quasi tre ore.

La Giuria ha penalizzato anche Sebastien Josse – venti minuti – per aver rotto la piomba del motore mentre tentava di ricaricare le batterie.

Per consultare la classifica clicca qui.

[Solitaire du Figaro Press Release] The Jury met today in Brest to discuss the protest against Yann Eliès, who was forced to use his engine during the first leg to get off after going aground. The sailor was given a two hours penalty and as a consequence he falls from second to 19th place. Following the decision involving the skipper of Generali Europ Assistance the top part of the scoreboard has deeply changed.

Eliès got a 30 minutes penalty for breaking the engine seal plus an additional 1 and a half hour for infringing the propulsion rule, two hours in total, that’s the judgement for Yann Eliès. Going aground on the beach at Primel is costing dearly to the skipper from Saint-Brieuc: he goes down from second at 51 minutes and 58 seconds from leader Armel le Cleac’h to 19th distanced of nearly three hours in the general ranking after two legs. He then has to change his goal of winning the 2010 Solitaire, a hard not to say impossible target to reach.

As it happens in sail racing, for nearly every decision from the Jury, this will be judged too heavy or too light according to the profit anyone makes of it, but this one is without appeal and will have to be accepted as it is.

As a result the leader Armel Le Cléac’h gains another 13 minutes on his immediate follower who is François Gabart at 1hour 04’ and Thomas Rouxel jumps on the podium at 1hour 31 minutes from Le Cléac’h. In the Top Ten positions in goes a skipper form the Med, that is to say Kito de Pavant, still at 2hours 08’ but now in tenth position. Between him and the top three everyone keeps his or her position but goes up one place. Jérémie Beyou is 4th at 1hour 43 minutes; Jeanne Grégoire fifth at 1.48; Fabien Delahaye sixth at1.54; Erwan Tabarly seventh at 1.56; Gildas Morvan eight at 1.58; Eric Peron ninth at 2.01. To be noted that ait’s a very small time difference that separated the fourth to the tenth placed skipper: only 25 minutes. The podium for the newcomers is also affected by this new general ranking with each of the rookies going up one step: Anthony Marchand is now 12th at 2.14, Yohann Richomme 14th at 2.18 and Swiss Bernard Stamm 18th at 2.47.

During today’s meeting the Jury also inflicted a 20 minutes penalty to Sébastien Josse for breaking his engine seal following some issues in recharging his batteries. This decision, in fact, has no direct consequence on Josse’s general ranking: he still occupies the 34th position at 5.56 from the leader.

To read the ranking click here.

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