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Sfidanti di tutto il mondo, unitevi. L'entry period della 34ma America's Cup, la prima con i multiscafi voluti da BMW Oracle Raing e dal...

America’s Cup – Valencia – Sfidanti di tutto il mondo, unitevi. L’entry period della 34ma America’s Cup, la prima con i multiscafi voluti da BMW Oracle Raing e dal suo CEO Russell Coutts, è finalmente aperto e si chiuderà il prossimo 31 marzo. C’è, pare, chi già si è portato avanti, se è vero che ben quattro team avrebbero già depositato le loro Notice of Challenge.

Dichiara infatti Iain Murray, grande capo dell’America’s Cup Race Management: “Sono solo cinque ore che abbiamo aperto le iscrizioni e avere già quattro sfide all’attivo è un segno davvero positivo. Tra queste ci sono Mascalzone Latino, il Challenger of Record, e il defender, BMW Oracle Racing. I nomi degli altri due team non possono ancora essere comunicati perchè le domande sono sotto revisione. Comunque, al termine dei cinque mesi, comunicheremo quando queste sfide sono state presentate. In breve tempo contiamo di avere altri iscritti”.

[America’s Cup Press Release] Event organizers today confirmed receipt of the first entries for the 34th America’s Cup in 2013.

“We’re only a few hours into a five-month entry period, so to already have a total of four entries is a very positive sign,” said Iain Murray (AUS), Regatta Director for the 34th America’s Cup and CEO of America’s Cup Race Management.

The 34th edition of the sport’s oldest international competition has been renewed and revitalized by a move to spectacular wing-sailed catamarans, as well as a three year program of racing in venues around the world and a new emphasis on innovative television and new media programming.

“The competitors who applied for entry today join the previously declared Italian challenger Mascalzone Latino. BMW Oracle Racing submitted its defense application today,” Murray said.

“The other two teams will not be named as their applications are being verified. Throughout the five-month entry period, ACRM will announce the time and date when an entry has been accepted. Each team will release details of its entry publicly at their discretion. Additional entries are expected soon,” Murray added.

The entry process and validation procedures are set out in the America’s Cup Rules and can be found at

The entry period for the 34th America’s Cup runs from Nov. 1, 2010, to Mar. 31, 2011.

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